America was founded on the principles of democracy and structure of a republic for the purpose of escaping a tyrannical king. This structure and these principles are maintained through the will of the people and voting.
It is voting which keeps our democracy afloat and working. It is the people who must keep voting in order to maintain this tradition, meaning it is not just a right granted but a duty that must be upheld.
Senior year of high school is often when this duty and right come to students, as it is most likely when they shall turn eighteen years old. 2024 is an especially important year to be able to vote as it is a presidential election, not just a local one. Tufts University reports that Gen Z is voting at a rate higher than previous generations in their first elections, this shall almost assuredly increase with how important the current election is.
“The Atlantic” reports that America is currently facing a political crisis with people of all ages and beliefs losing faith in our institutions. Normally this would cause a lower voter turnout, however it appears that citizens are voting more and placing their faith in the politicians they trust most.
As Tufts reported, youth voters — those between 18 and 34 years old — had a higher turnout than expected in the last election. This new data is a hopeful sign that the United States will stay true to its democratic roots, and the electorate will not devolve into violent acts like those witnessed after the 2020 election.